Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

My first post. It did not take long for me to decide the subject of my first posts. In honor of Veteran's Day I have chosen to review the freedoms for which they fought. Yes, you have guessed it; I am talking about our beloved Constitution with all of its articles and amendments. I will make an attempt to cover one article/amendment each day, but that is a lofty goal so there is no guarantee.
I would also like to thank all of those that have served, and are currently serving in the armed forces of the United States of America, although I doubt any will be reading here. I often think of the great sacrifices that are made by many, that I may enjoy the freedoms for which they fight. Indeed, I feel
obligated to take full advantage of these freedoms, else they fight and suffer in vain. With sincere gratitude I once again say: Thank you!


Webers said...

I love you and can't wait to learn more about the constitution. Nice work on your blog.

Mimi Nowland said...

I am excited to read your blog. I too think that the constitution is amazing and that more people should read it. It is so powerful. "Those who forget the past are bound to repeat it" We must not forget what our fore fathers fought for, and may I add a thank you to all those who have served in any way.

WeAreTheHills said...

I know of one...maybe two people who will read your blog and who have served our country....our mom and dad! The constitution is amazing, and it's sad that it is very often forgotten!